Chinyere, you cannot read this; but I am really schocked to stumble on this page almost 12 years after your passing. We worked great together at ActionAid, and I left the country in 2009, since then I have been working internationally. When I learnt that you had moved to ActionAid global, I said that was a promotion well deserved. This night I thought about you and said let me check on social media if I could trace you, and then I stumbled on this.
You were kind and gentle and I know you have been resting with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Pls accept my condolences, but also thank God that she lived a good life and though she is gone her memory remains in our hearts.
Seek courage and be comforted by the fact that Chinny led a good life. We continue to pray for the husband and entire siblings and mother for God to comfort you on all sides.
Words can’t express how I feel, I know God knows better than all of us
To all of you words fall short of me expressing my sorrow over the loss of chinyere.
May the peace that comes from the memories of love shared, comfort you all now and in the days ahead.